TAYRAŞ’ Sustainability Management was all pervasive during the planning, construction and installation phases of the Used Lube Oil Refinery, and progresses with environmental, social and economic impact monitoring, data collection and assessment steps with the goal of being the Safest, most Responsible and Society-Leading Recycling Company.
TAYRAŞ’ Sustainability Board has been established at the core of TAYRAŞ management to execute above defined purposes.

TAYRAŞ aims to enhance and propagate the effects of sustainability information in the value and benefit creation chain, in collaboration with official Authorities, local Administrations, the Society, Non-Governmental Organizations, Suppliers and Customers. The Refinery’s progress plans include prioritization of local development and stakeholder participation especially in Osmaneli and Bilecik, and thereby realize corporate social responsibility and technical projects that support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals on a national and international basis.

TAYRAŞ reinforces environmental management and anti-climate-change efforts in Turkey with the employment, economy and sustainable business solutions it provides.
TAYRAŞ’ Base Oil Refinery aims to implement Integrated Management Systems at the most advanced level for its Health, Safety, Environment, Occupational Safety, Testing, Analysis and Quality Processes.